Wednesday, 28 August 2013



I dream of all the women in the world

I dream of all the women that I mourn
I dream of all the women that are coldly cut and torn
I dream of all the women that are raped
I dream of all the women that are shaped and stitched for custom’s sake
I dream of all the women that are branded “witches”, “sluts” and “whores”
I dream of all the women that are covered up and enslaved and used in wars
I dream of all of women’s wasted blood and tears and sweat 
I dream of all of women’s sacred places that are desecrate

I dream of ancient women’s stories and I dream of ancient women’s art
I dream of ancient teaching circles to open gentle, healing hearts
I dream of ancient women’s wisdom and I dream of ancient women’s lore
I dream of times when women’s parts were named with reverence and with awe 
I dream of ancient women’s medicine and I dream of ancient women’s blood
shed in life nourishing cycles with childbirth and the moon
I dream of ancient women whispering that we can change and we can turn
I dream of ancient women encouraging us to make choices and to learn

I dream of times when every woman will be free to refuse pain
I dream of times when every woman will be free to use her courage and her rage
I dream of times when every woman will be free to choose to tell her tales
I dream of times when every woman will be free to remove her make up and her veils
I dream of times that may have been, of times that may yet be
I dream of fair ferociousness and of wild and raw beauty 

I dream with all the women in the world

by BrĂ­d Wyldearth 2012

At first I was a little embarrassed to notice the obvious influence of Martin Luther King's famous speech on this poem. It was not deliberate.

I am always inspired when I hear King's words. I am passionate in my desire to see an end to racism. I have been shocked and hurt when I have been subjected to anti Irish racism. I have been shocked and hurt when I have watched friends of mine subjected to racism. I cannot bear to watch some films that depict this cruelty. I imagine that encountering racism every single day is similar to encountering sexism every single day. We never get used to it. It always hurts on some level although we may ignore it and feel bored by the repetition. Whenever I hear the words from the American constitution that King quotes: "We hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal", I always want to add "AND WOMEN" and I suppose this poem is my "AND WOMEN" correction to all constitutions world wide.

I have been listening to women and men paying tribute to Martin Luther King and his dream today on the 50th anniversary, people who are famous for speaking out and marching against injustice of all kinds, people who have risked their lives and I cannot help but compare myself to them and wish I had done more and hope that I can do more.

Inspired by King and the many women and men who have spoken out and inspired the changes that have already happened in my life time, I begin by offering this small tribute today.