Thursday, 31 January 2008

This is a photograph of my painting: Holy well and Sacred Flame. It is an abstract representation of the Goddess from whom I get my name, Bríd, goddess of fire and water, poetry, healing and smithcraft. We celebrate her feast on 2nd February as the first lambs are born to suckle in ewes milk from which we get the ancient name of her feast Imbolc - pronounced imolg.

Here is an invocation which I wrote some years ago and use on this day:

Invocation to Bríd

by Bríd Wyldearth 2007

Bríd, Brighde, Brigid, Birgit, Brigita, Brigantia

Woman of the Sacred Flame

Woman of the Deep Well

Gone is the time of little sun, ruled by the fierce, one-eyed hag, Cailleach

In a chariot, drawn by swans, she rode to the Sacred Isle of Youth

She drank from the spring in the holy oak grove

and transformed into youthful, beauteous Bríd

like the snake, emerging from her winter lair,

sloughing her skin, renewed again

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